
Saturday, 30 July 2016

Benefits of Bananas For Diet and Beauty Face

Benefits of Bananas For Diet
Yellow fruit whose skin is indeed quite rich in nutrients that are beneficial to health. Bananas are proven to be good for health turned out to be very beneficial to your diet and keep the beauty of the face because a lot of vitamin content therein, such as phosphorus, vitamin C, iron and Vitamin B complex. Bananas also one food type of fruit that can provide a source of energy. consume a minimum of two bananas a day can satiate hunger and put off so well suited to you who are on a diet program. As for beauty, bananas are very suitable if used as a mask. The benefits of using banana mask that can smooth the skin and prevent wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

Here are some benefits of bananas :

Benefits of Bananas To Diet

Bananas contain a lot of vitamins needed by our bodies, and the calorie content was low or small. Therefore, bananas are very suitable to serve one menu when dieting. As discussed previously, the banana fruit could also be a source of energy. So, pick a banana as a diet menu can also be selected as an alternative way of natural diet without exercise. The content of potassium found in bananas can balance the needs of fluids in our body. The following are the steps to do the diet with bananas :
You can consume two bananas and a glass of water at breakfast. Then you can consume any food but avoid eating high-calorie foods and oily during the day. At night, you can eat healthy foods. Remember!! Do not get used to eating over at 8 pm because it can interfere with your diet program.
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Benefits of Bananas For Beauty

In addition to good diet, bananas can also soften the face and prevent acne. Here are some benefits of bananas for beauty :

  • Tighten skin
Every human being must grow old, and if old age, the intensity of the firmness of the skin over time will go down. You can use a banana mask to prevent the decrease in skin firmness you even if you are old age. Vitamin E is found in bananas is what can help the process of tightening the facial skin naturally and maximum.

  • Smooth face
For those of you who have dry skin texture and also rude, Use bananas to be used as a face mask. How to use, Destroy bananas until completely smooth, and in addition to using a banana, add 1 teaspoon of honey after that stirring until both ingredients are well blended. After that, you can make it as a face mask. Do it this way with the routine so that you get maximum results. If you use this banana mask regularly, then you will get a very delicate face as you envisioned.

  • Overcoming excess oil
Everyone who face oily skin definitely felt uncomfortable and can interfere with daily activities. Oily skin can be easily ascertained dull and blotchy. You can use a banana mask to overcome the excess oil on the skin. Here's how to make a mask of bananas cope with oily skin :
Puree bananas, then mix with freshly squeezed orange juice and stir the ingredients until evenly distributed. If it had been stirred, apply a second material that has been mixed this to your face evenly, Let stand for 30 minutes until the mask is absorbed into your skin, Then rinse your face with warm water and then rinse with cold water to enhance the cleaning process.
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Carbohydrates contained in this banana 2X number of apples, and while Vitamin A is found in bananas 5x the amount of apples. but it also bananas contains potassium which is very good for your heart so that the heart stay healthy.

Those are some benefits of bananas to diet and beauty of the face, it would not hurt if you try to make a banana as your diet. For those of you who want to make a banana as a means of beauty, you can follow the tips above. Good luck and hopefully some of the above tips useful to you.


  1. Beautiful tips :) i like this info <3

  2. thnks :)please follow this blog to follow any updates articles about health tips or any other :)
