
Friday, 29 July 2016

Types of Healthy Food And Good When Dieting

Types of Healthy Food And Good When Dieting
So much to do when we undertake a program to lose weight. Starting from the frequency of exercise, set a good diet, to select the type of special diet food. In fact, today many diet programs that promise weight decreases. But all of it will not work if the food that enters the body has a lot of fat.

Therefore, for those who are running the program are advised to consume a diet that is low-calorie food types. The type of food that is low in calories does not cause fat in the body. In addition, low-calorie foods are also quite healthy and can prevent some other diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. For you who are curious about some kinds of foodstuffs suitable for the current consumption of the diet, here are some of the types of materials suitable food you consume when dieting :

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  • The type of foods that contain lots of fiber
These foods can be filling the stomach and very nice consumed during the diet. These foods are foods that are very good for your consumption when dieting because the fibers can remove dirt and can aid your digestion. Barbara rolls say that foods high in fiber have texture and shape to prevent hunger that appear more quickly, at the mouth when chewed.

Fiber is what can be filling the stomach longer, because when the fiber is further in the digestive system takes a long time so that it can be filling the stomach longer. Barbara rolls also said that there is a possibility of this fiber has a very powerful effect on satiety hormones maker is longer. The food was a lot of fiber, among others such as banana, papaya fruit, oatmeal, avocado, and broccoli.
  • Type of Food with low calories
At the time of filling the space found in the stomach or gastric we usually better to eat foods that are low in calories. a Head of Department of Nutrition Science from the Pennsylvania State University named Barbara Rolls says, Any foods that have a low calorie is essential can make people satisfied and will certainly generate calories slightly. Foods that contain lots of minerals or water content of the foods that have low calories, such as fruits and vegetables. Conversely, if eating foods high in fat, although portions are the same as low-calorie foods that will generate more calories. Low-calorie foods that you can encounter on spinach, tomato, radish, and watercress.
  • Containing Protein
Protein is one of the types of nutrients is very good for being included in the programmed diet because protein can make a person full sooner will consume It is revealed by a study in the journal Cell. Protein has a very effective ability to block nerve Mu-Opioid Receptor (MOR) in the belly that can make you feel full when eating protein. Mu-Opioid Receptor nerve or nerve MOR is responsible for sending signals of hunger and satiety to the brain.

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The MOR nerves communicate with our bodies to inform the brain when we are already feeling hungry or if we feel full. At the time of MOR's nerves are stimulated, these nerves will send a signal to encourage someone continuously to eat until Sarah MOR is covered or obstructed. That's when our bodies will feel satiety. Foods that contain lots of protein and suitable for the diet of soy, broccoli, potatoes, and wheat as a substitute for rice.
  • Mineral Drinking Water With Pori More
There are few studies or researchers revealed that everyone who consume water before eating, then that person will feel more satisfied because our stomach is already occupied by water. A nutritionist from Oregon State University is Professor Melinda Manore said, unfortunately, we do not identify the body of water through the same process as when we eat foods that are dense. Therefore, the water only gives full effect only slightly.

That's some kind of food that you can try for your consumption as a menu when dieting. The food is very suited to support the diet program you want to lose weight fast. So and hopefully useful.

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