
Sunday, 31 July 2016

Causes Of Skin Wrinkles At Young Age. You should To Know

Causes Of Skin Wrinkles At Young Age. You should To Know
Everyone, especially women certainly do not want to have a face full of wrinkles or wrinkles. Besides face look older and not so young, is also a quite disturbing appearance of wrinkles. We need to know, wrinkles can also appear at a young age. The cause wrinkles occurred partly as an unhealthy lifestyle, genetic factors, skin health, and even the use of improper cosmetics also cause wrinkles. So that this does not happen, you should need to know what are the biggest causes of wrinkles at a young age.

Here are some of the causes of wrinkles in the face:
  • Use of Cosmetic Products
Using improper cosmetic products is one cause of wrinkles that arise at a young age. This is because cosmetics made from chemical abortion could make damaged skin, causing wrinkles in the face. Should avoid excessive use of cosmetics, or you can choose a trusted cosmetic products are safe for the face.

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  • Exposure to sunlight
Skin wrinkles can also be caused by sun exposure, frequent exposure to UV rays will surely make your face dry so will cause wrinkles in the face. Just a suggestion use sunscreen to keep skin protected from UV rays.
  • Dehydration
To maintain moisture, the skin also needs liquid so it is advisable for you to drink mineral water is sufficient. For if the body's fluid needs are not being met for the skin will be dry so it can not produce new cells that could lead to the formation of lines on the face. Drink at least 8 glasses of mineral water / day to meet the needs of body fluids.
  • Diet excessive
For those of you who are on a diet, you should avoid excessive dieting. For possible causes of skin, wrinkles occur because of a diet program that you do. The body also needs vitamin and mineral intake and nutrition, so if the diet is you doing too much then the nutrients essential for the body also decreases including skin health.
  • Smoking
Besides, can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence, pregnancy and fetal disorders in women as well as very harmful for the lungs, smoking also affects the health of the skin. Because smoking can be inhibiting blood supply to the entire body. Obviously, this will cause wrinkles, especially on the lips and eye area.
  • Movement Faces
The cause of wrinkles also appears because of facial movements. if your face often moves like a smile or a frown, it can cause wrinkles on the face. Because the grooves on the skin that continuously will imprint and will leave lines on your face. Additionally, sleep patterns were wrong when face to the pillow will also cause wrinkles and small lines on the face.

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  • Lack of rest
Skin wrinkles can occur due to the effects of sleep deprivation. Therefore, it is advisable to keep enough sleep patterns at night. because the night is a good time to form new collagen cells are damaged.

In addition to the above causes, often excessive coffee drinking is also one of the causes of wrinkles at a young age Because caffeine contained therein. Those are some causes of wrinkles that need you to know. Take a healthy lifestyle so that the skin to maintain skin health. Hopefully the above tips helpful.

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