
Thursday, 28 July 2016

TOP Secret Facial Acne And Oily Safe

Natural Facial Mask
Facial acne and oily indeed need good care, because oily tend to be more prone to acne. Things to consider for treating facial acne is the proper use of cosmetic products. Because without we are aware of cosmetics is one of the causes of acne and blackheads. For that to perform better facial treatments uses natural and traditional medicine. in addition to a safe, natural way also does not cause side effects such as black spots.

Here are acne and oily skin care naturally can you do at home with ease:
  • Cucumber Mask
This fruit has been known for its benefits in traditional beauty treatments. Besides being able to cope with acne because the content of the existing anti-bacterial, cucumber can also be used as a mask to remove the oil. Cucumber mask can effectively control the excess oil on the face so as to reduce the incidence of acne. Treatment facial acne and oily safe with cucumber mask are also quite easy to do. How can by cutting the fruit is thin in order to form a circle. Then the paste of cucumber that has been cut on the face for approximately 15 minutes. After cucumbers removed, rinse with clean water.

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Another way that can be done with a cucumber mask is to destroy the fruit, then cucumbers that have been demolished use as a face mask. Wait until 15 minutes before cleaning.
  • Mask clay
Clay is dirty, but it has good benefits for beauty. The clay can reduce the oil content in the face of excess. How to use it, take one spoon of clean soil. Add lemon juice also on clay. Then use as a face mask in order to face free from oil and acne. Leave on for twenty minutes and then rinse with water until clean.
  • Lime
Fruit that has a sour taste is known for its benefits in the field of beauty because it has the ability to brighten the skin. Thus, the benefits of lime are not just to make a fresh drink alone. For you who have oily face problems and there is acne, take advantage of this citrus fruit juice. Lime juice can be a refreshing face and contains anti-bacteria present will also prevent the appearance of acne. To use it, there are several ways you can do.

The trick is to cut the lemon and then mix it with egg white. Use on the face and leave to dry. Afterward, rinse with water until clean. You will feel the freshness of the face because it is free of oil and acne will not grow again.

Another way to use lemon juice is to squeeze lemon and get water. Use lemon juice to rub on your face using cotton. Let stand for 15 minutes to dry and rinse with cold water. Do it regularly for oil and acne-free face does not grow back.
  • Rose water
Oily and acne facial treatments are safe can also use rose water. Rose water is a natural substance that is good enough to overcome the excess oil in the face. How to use it is also quite simple and not difficult. Wash your face with rose water immersion. Rose water contains astringent that can reduce the oil on the face.

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  • Choosing the right cosmetics
Treatment facial acne and oily safe must also consider the use of cosmetics. By using the right cosmetics, it will face better conditions so that production of oil on the face can be controlled. Choose the type of cosmetics according to your skin type. Here we suggest treatment using Wardah facial acne, for cosmetic Wardah is quite safe.

Should do a facial treatment before bed by washing the face to clean. Because germs in the face while sleeping will close the pores, causing acne. That's some way to acne and oily skin care naturally can you do at home. may be useful.

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