
Sunday 3 July 2016

Circulation of Counterfeit vaccine in Indonesia for 13 years

 Circulation of Counterfeit vaccine in Indonesia for 13 years
Some time ago, the Criminal Investigation Division of the Indonesian Police (Badan Reserse Kriminal Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia, abbreviated Bareskrim POLRI) successfully raided six factories manufacture fake vaccines in Indonesia, specifically in the city of Jakarta and surrounding areas, pondok aren (South Tangerang) and some other places. Criminal Investigation Police ( Bareskrim POLRI ) arrested several suspects who is the creator of the fake vaccine. Fake vaccines were revealed by police stems from reports from the public and the news media about a baby who died after being immunized.

Fake vaccines manufacturing practices that are said to have been in Indonesia for 13 years. Parents who've immunized their children in a span of 13 years is certainly concerned and consider whether his son was one of the victims of fake vaccines. Circulation of fake vaccines has really made people in Indonesia are very restless. The anxiety of parents that are then pushed an online petition started on page. Is Niken Rosady on behalf of the “Parent Aware Immunization Indonesia” who started the petition.

On Tuesday (June 28, 2016) or just one day after the petition began, there have been tens of thousands of people who support. Until 11:15 pm, supporters of the petition reached 17 942 people. "Every parent will try to provide the best for their children, including in terms of health by providing immunization since newborns," wrote Niken petition states.

Full and regular immunization will lead to specific immunity that prevents infection outbreaks, severe illness, disability or death from the disease. Until now, 194 countries have expressed immunization proven safe and beneficial for preventing severe illness, plague, disabilities and deaths from dangerous diseases. However, a sense of security behind the use of vaccines disturbed by the disclosure of fraud vaccine in Bekasi.

"Even more terrifying, it turns out this falsification action has been carried out since 2003. This means that the vaccine counterfeiter syndicate has been operating for 13 years and has spread to several regions in Indonesia," he wrote.

Therefore, the petition states Niken Indonesia invite the parents to support the investigation of the case and asked the police to investigate acts of counterfeiting of vaccines and take firm action against the perpetrators. The petition also asked the government, Criminal Investigation, and other authorities to draw all the vaccines that are currently circulating and replace it with a genuine and safe vaccine in order to ensure the safety and protection of the health of babies in Indonesia.

Niken also asked for the names of distributors, hospitals, clinics and health institutions, as indicated and proven using fake vaccine was announced. As well as revaccination of children born between 2003 to 2016 to ensure the generation of healthy and free of dangerous diseases. In addition, Niken also urged the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency ( BPOM RI ) more aggressive in monitoring the distribution of vaccines and drugs in general.


Disclosure of making fake vaccines that eventually dragged the Ministry of Health ( Ministry of Health ) and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency ( BPOM RI ) to be held accountable . Two agencies were judged to be optimal in performing supervisory functions .

"The practice of counterfeiting to 13 years , and has been circulated throughout Indonesia. Ministry of Health and BPOM be said to be carrying out its functions , according to the capacity it has, " said Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation ( YLKI ) TulusAbadi .

" Children with the birth year 2004 onwards , potential victims of fake vaccines . YLKI ready to facilitate such a class action , in order to give a lesson to the government for negligent supervision , and society become victims of negligence ," he said .

Health workers

The case of fake vaccines was also directing the public to the suspicion of the involvement of health personnel on active duty in health institutions. Moreover, one of the suspects who was first arrested by the police was known to have worked as a nurse at a private hospital in Bekasi.

"IX Commission has formally requested the Ministry of Health and the Agency for Food and Drug Administration to resolve this issue up to the roots, including the production and distribution of fake vaccines," said a member of Commission IX Saleh Partaonan Daulay.

Politicians of the National Mandate Party (PAN), said at least two facts that indicate the involvement of health personnel on active duty in health institutions.

The first fact is the perpetrator easily obtain raw materials, including packaging which is a vaccine used genuine medical waste in hospitals. Second, the perpetrator easily markets their products to various health institutions.

Saleh suspected cases of fake vaccines that involve parties other than the suspects who have been arrested by the police. Very likely many people involved in the manufacture and distribution of fake vaccines. "It could be an existing special network which helps the counterfeiters provides packaging original vaccine used," he said.

The fact that the perpetrators of the vaccine counterfeiters use packaging used genuine vaccine also showed the management of medical waste in hospitals is still very bad. Again, the Ministry of Health highlighted due to weaknesses in supervision. "Monitoring of the management of medical waste in hospitals is one of the things that need to be highlighted in the case of the fake vaccine," he said.

Therefore, cases of fake vaccines should also be a trigger of the Ministry of Health to tighten the supervision of the management of medical waste in hospitals. In addition to minimizing the dangers that may arise from media waste, strict supervision is also to eliminate the potential use for other purposes. Investigation of the case of fake vaccines also has to extend the possibility of others who provide medical waste in the form of packaging used a genuine vaccine to the perpetrators. The other party that could have janitors, administrators, nurses and even doctors. "If there is the involvement of other parties, all should be punished in accordance with the legislation in force," said Saleh. - Jakarta. 

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