
Sunday 19 June 2016

The Negative Impact Of Excessive Wakefulness

The Negative Impact Of Excessive Wakefulness
In my first post, I'll give you the info on "The Negative Impact Of Excessive wakefulness". For my friend who like to write an article for Share in various media blogs such as blogger, wordpress or else so certainly staying up late is a banality pal did. Because I think personally, the time is right to write or design the article is on even days. Why? Because at night no distractions like noise in the area around pal, or also other disorders that make my friend does not consent in writing or designing an article. The habit of staying up late usually acted also by someone who has an online gaming hobby. As well as my own, I was someone who was a hobby as the name game online.
A habit certainly have positive and negative impacts. Similarly, staying up late, he also has some positive and negative impacts. But in this case of wakefulness or staying up late have a negative impact than positive impact.

Positive Impact Of wakefulness or staying up late

  • Helping The Burning Calories 
Experts from the Colorado Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory conducts research and stay up menemuka that can help the process of burning calories. Calories burned from staying up late results can reach 135 calories. Equivalent to burning calories by foot along the 3 kilo meters. 
  • Time Live Feeling Old 
Why is the old saying? Because people generally take complete rest / sleep for 7-8 hours / day, and the rest is done for the activity. In a mathematical calculation, if within 24 hours of normal humans need eight hours of sleep, then the rest is 16 hours to awake. What if the sleep time is reduced to 3 hours because of staying up late, then the rest is 21 hours to stay awake. Her conclusion, time awake someone who often stay up longer than a person who normally lives.
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Negative Impact of Of wakefulness or staying up late

  • Can Cause insomnia
The habit of staying up late can affect a person sleeps. If one day someone should or want to sleep earlier than usual, he would have difficulty doing so. This is because the body has to adapt to the habits of staying up.
  • Being Someone who Forgetfulness
On one of the researchers in the US found that the events of the brain called the sharp wave ripples, responsible to strengthen the memory in the brain. The event also transfer information from the hippocampus to the neocortex in the brain, where long-term memories are stored. Sharp wave ripples occur, especially during sleep.
  • Can Cause Depression
A study conducted by researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in 1997 reported that less sleep less than 5 hours per day for seven days can cause stress, anger, sadness and mental fatigue. besides lack of sleep and sleep disorders to be one cause of depressive symptoms. insomnia and lack of appetite due to depression are related. Lack of sleep can exacerbate symptoms of depression, and depression itself will make it harder to sleep.
  • Can Cause Serious Illness
It seems that staying up late is not a banality dam serious impact on health. But in fact it stayed up late can cause serious illnesses such as heart disease, hypertension, psychiatric disorders or severe stress, stroke, diabetes and other ailments.

For my friend who is not accustomed to the same thing as staying up late, do not even try to do it unless there is a necessity that can not be abandoned or in doing tomorrow. Because one of the effects that would easily come from staying up late is insomnia. Know right what is insomnia? yes, insomnia is a symptom of sleep disorders in which is difficult to sleep, just as I mentioned briefly above. If we are exposed INSOMNIA, then one of its effects is my friend will often stay up.

Now that's some of The Negative Impact Of Excessive Wakefulness or staying up late routinely, I hope the above info helpful for my friend. All my messages and Bung Haji Rhoma Irama is " staying up late do not stay up late , if no meaning . Staying up late is okay , if there is need for" heheh . That is all and thank you. 
Respectfully .

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