
Sunday 19 June 2016

Some Surprising Benefits Of Watermelon

Some Surprising Benefits Of Watermelon
Watermelon is a fruit that is very refreshing when consumed in hot weather or in a state of thirst . Watermelon fruit contains a lot of water in it , which makes it very fresh when consumed when the weather is hot and in a state of thirst . Watermelon is one fruit that contains essential nutrients , antioxidants , vitamins and minerals needed by the body , and can maintain overall body health .

The following details the nutritional value per 100 g ( 3.5 oz ) are quoted from wikipedia :

• Energy - 127 kJ ( 30 kcal )
• Carbohydrates - 7:55 g
• Sugars - 6.2 g
• Dietary fiber - 0.4 g
• Fats - 0:15 g
• Protein - 0.61 g
• Water - 91.45 g
• Vitamin A equiv . - 28 g ( 3 % )
• thiamine ( Vit . B1 ) - 0.033 mg ( 3 % )
• Riboflavin ( Vit . B2 ) - 0021 mg ( 1 % )
• Niacin ( Vit . B3 ) - 0178 mg ( 1 % )
• pantothenic acid ( B5 ) - 0221 mg ( 4 % )
• Vitamin B6 - 0045 mg ( 3 % )
• Folate ( Vit . B9 ) - 3 mg ( 1 % )
• Vitamin C - for 8.1 mg ( 14 % )
• Calcium - 7 mg ( 1 % )
• Iron - 0:24 mg ( 2 % )
• Magnesium - 10 mg ( 3 % )
• Phosphorus - 11 mg ( 2 % )
• Potassium - 112 mg ( 2 % )
• Zink - 0:10 mg ( 1 % )
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From the details above we can conclude that in addition to refreshing when the weather is hot, watermelon is also very beneficial for health.

The following are some of the surprising benefits of watermelon for health:
  • Good for heart health (Cardiovascular) & Bone Health
Lycopene in watermelon is very important for the health of our heart. Many consume watermelon has also been correlated with cardiovascular function, because it increases blood flow through vasodilation (relaxation of blood pressure). lycopene food (from foods such as watermelon or tomato) reduces oxidative stress which usually reduces the activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts (bone cells are two main involved in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis). This means consuming foods rich in lycopene can nourish the bone. Watermelon is also rich in potassium which helps to maintain calcium in the body of my friend, so that bones and joints strong.
  • Reduce Body Fat
Citrulline in the watermelon has been shown to reduce the accumulation of fat in our fat cells. Citrulline is an amino acid that is converted into arginine with the aid of the kidney. When our bodies can absorb converts citrulline into arginine if necessary. Citrulline, when consumed, has the ability to (through a series of steps) block TNAP activity (tissue - nonspecific alkaline phosphatase) which makes fat cells we created a little bit of fat, and thus helping to prevent excess body fat.
  • Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Support
Watermelon is rich in phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and triterpenoids. Carotenoid lycopene in watermelon is very helpful in reducing inflammation and neutralize free radicals. Tripterpenoid cucurbitacin E is also present in watermelon, which provides support for anti-inflammatory by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase which normally causes increased inflammation support. Ensure friend chose watermelon ripe, because they contain higher amounts of beneficial phenolic compounds this.
  • Alternative Treatment For Diabetes or Diabetes
Diabetes or diabetes is a disease of excess sugar. Apparently, watermelon rind may also help treat this disease. The trick is to boil the pieces of skin watermelon and guava were still mengkal, then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining glass. Then after a cold drink.
  • Can Treat Kidney Stones
Watermelon is very good for people with kidney stones. This is because the content contained in watermelon fruit is able to destroy kidney stones. Melon is also included in the category of fruit busting kidney stones because it is closely related to the watermelon. Eat these fruits on a regular basis. May be used as juice or eaten directly.
  • Maintain Eye Health
Watermelon is a wonderful source of beta-carotene which is converted in the body into vitamin A. This helps produce pigment in the retina of the eye and protects against age-related macular degeneration as well as prevent night blindness. Vitamin A also maintains healthy skin, teeth, bones and soft tissue, and mucous membranes.
  • Keeping the immune system, wound healing and Prevent Cell Damage In Body
Vitamin C in watermelon is very high. Vitamin C is great for improving our immune system to maintain the integrity of the redox cells and thus protect it from reactive oxygen (which damage the cells of our DNA). The role of vitamin C in wound healing has also been observed in various studies because it is essential for the formation of new connective tissue. An enzyme involved in the formation of collagen (the major component of wound healing) can not function without vitamin C. If my friend was injured and recuperating, added vitamin C to help the wound heal faster pal.

That's Some Surprising Benefits Of Watermelon and content of nutrusi on watermelon. Hopefully the above info useful for my friend.

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