
Saturday, 6 August 2016

Masks Fruits For Cleaning And Whiten Your Face Quickly. You Need to Know.

Masks Fruits For Cleaning And Whiten Your Face Quickly. You Need to Know.
Having a clean white face and far from dull stain is a dream for all men and women. With a clean white face and will certainly make us look more beautiful and certainly unsightly people. Therefore, many people who have facial skin that is dull and black do a variety of ways to clean and whiten skin they quickly even within 1 week. Both the traditional way as well as medicines or cosmetics that have been sold in the market. To clean and whiten the face is actually a lot of ways you can do and do not need to use an expensive cost. Because there are some fruits that good to clean and whiten face quickly.

Here are some of the fruits that can be used to clean and whiten quickly and naturally :

  • Whiten Face Using Papaya Fruit
The enzyme papain contained in papaya fruit is very good to clean and brighten the skin. Papaya has already known properties to cleanse and whiten the face. Papaya fruit can also remove dead skin cells on the face so it is not surprising that many beauty products using this fruit as the basic materials. You can use papaya as a mask to cleanse and whiten your face is dull. Use this as a mask fruit daily routine so that you get maximum results.
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  • Whiten Face Using Lime
Vitamin C in it proved to be very beneficial to whiten and moisturize the face, so you no longer need to dubious usefulness. In addition to relieving acne and reduces excess oil on the face, the fruit is also able to brighten the skin. To whiten the face with lemon, you can make it as follows :
Prepare 2 orange juice and 1 egg whites only download. Mix the egg white with water from the lemon and mix until evenly distributed. Once both ingredients are well blended, apply on your face just like a mask and leave it to dry. If dried, clean your face using clean water. To obtain maximum results, do it this way at least 2 times in 1 week.

  • Whiten Face Using Jicama
The ancient pieces of jicama have become highly efficacious natural fruit to whiten skin. Even many beauty products and cosmetics using fruit jicama as basic materials. but there is no harm if we create a mask of fruit jicama you at home. how else is easy, you just need to smooth the first fruits jicama then used as a mask. Let stand for at least 30 minutes and then wash your face with water. Do this every day so that you get maximum results.

  • Whiten Face Using Pineapple Fruit
In addition to vitamin C is good for the skin, the water content in pineapple are also able to make us relax when used as a mask. Pineapple masks what is believed could whiten skin and enlighten him. How to make it very easy. Here is how to make :

Prepare 1 tablespoon of honey, pineapple and 1 cucumber that has been refined. Mix all ingredients together into a container and mix well. Once these ingredients are well blended, apply on face and leave it up to 20-30 minutes or until the mask dries. If dried, clean your face using cold water. To get the maximum benefits and results, do this way at least 1 times in one week.

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  • Whiten And Cleaning Face Using Carrots
Turns out fruit that contains vitamin A is also believed to whiten dull. The way to make it is pretty easy. Here is how to make :
Prepare 2 carrots that have been washed and then grate the carrots. Apply on your face and leave for 20-30 minutes. If so, wash your face using cold water.

That's some fruit to clean and whiten face quickly. Fruits can be used as a mask for cleansing the face, whiten and brighten the skin. In addition to a safer and healthier use of traditional materials is also very good compared using cosmetics that contain chemicals. Good luck and hopefully useful.


  1. Thanks for the info you have provided health . Very helpful for me :)

  2. ok thnks :)please follow this blog to follow any updates articles about health tips or any other :)
