
Saturday 25 June 2016

The most powerful way to Remove Body Odor Naturally

The most powerful way to Remove Body Odor Naturally
Easy Ways to Eliminate Body Odor. Accrine glands are sweat glands, sweat usually appear around the neck, back, forehead and on the hands. Body odor is usually influenced by genetic factors, but you can remove it by keeping the course. Adolescence is a period of development in every human being, at that time Body odor may arise, because when puberty all the glands in your body is doing the filtering. But we can eliminate body odor that the way which I will explain below.
Here are the most powerful way to Remove Body Odor Naturally:
  • Keep clean
Want to be healthy? "Keep your hygiene". Cleanliness in the world of health will always be there. So is the most Powerful Ways to Remove Body Odor Naturally I discussed today. Try to frequently use the clothes as much as possible, for example, 1 day 2 times in the morning and afternoon in the sense that you replace the clothing is clean clothes. Due to the use of clothes that are too long can also affect your body odor.
  • Bath
Clean with a shower that you can eliminate body odor. Because the bath all the dirt on the skin will be cleansed and soap you use will seep rub and eradicate the germs that stick in your body.
  • Food
The influence of their body odor can also be affected by the food you consume. The right diet could have body odor is gone, usually onion, garlic, bacon, and spicy foods can make your body feel the smell. From now kesehatan96 recommend that you try to be more memperharikan good diet like lots of drinking water, because the water will emit an odor that is in the body through sweat. And trakhir a lot of consumption of fibrous foods and greenery.
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  • Avoid foods that cause body odor
So that body odor is not haunt your everyday life, then avoid foods that cause the odor. As for foods that cause body odor such as:
- Red meat
Red meat includes food to be digested by our intestines. It took a long time for the body to digest the food. As a result, there is a substance that remains in the gut in the form of poison, and the substance that causes the release of the less savory smell of sweat.
- Herbs and spices
It is very useful herb for seasoning, but there are some herbs that can make a foul body odor. As for spices, among others such as onion, garlic, curry powder and paste. Avoid spices that body odor is maintained.
- Alcohol and caffeine
Drinking coffee every morning it has become the habit of a person in the office. But most of them do not realize that in fact these habits can cause body odor. In addition to people who like coffee, excessive alcohol consumption can also cause unpleasant body odor. Therefore, if you want to avoid body odor, reduce the consumption of coffee and alcohol as much as possible.
- Tobacco
Would you like to smoke? Do not be surprised if you have the unpleasant body odor. The odor may arise due to chemicals from cigarette smoke breaks down the acid in sweat. As a result, you will be the smell of sweat. Even though you've quit smoking for a few days, but the body odor will remain and hard to lose up to several months.
  • Increase consumption of fruits
The fresh fruits included in foods that are easily digested by the body. Thus, the fruit will make the intestines become more healthy and did not smell of sweat. Some fruits such as apples, oranges, papaya, guava, and others are believed to help remove the smell of sweat naturally. Therefore, consume fresh fruits every day.
  • Betel leaf
Perhaps we are more familiar with betel leaves it well to the treatment area of ​​the female organs. But it turns out in addition, contains antibacterial and antiseptic herb leaves is also good for the body odor you. In a way :
- Pick fresh betel leaves are still some pieces
- Then the leaf mash until smooth and apply to all parts of the body
- Keep the armpits you gave rubbing gently for 5 minutes
- Let stand about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water bath

In addition to using it from the outside, you can also remove the odor from the body. The way is boiled and the betel leaf boiled water consumption on a regular basis. Not only to help cope with body odor, but the cooking water is also good for preventing kidney odor.
  • Basil leave
Surely you are already familiar with this one leaves. Yup, basil is often used as vegetables when eating pecel, grilled catfish, or other foods. Rich aroma of basil is good to eliminate bad breath. In addition, the mineral content and antibacterial in the basil leaves are also believed to help overcome body odor. Quite easy, you just need to consume basil leaves regularly. If do not like, you can eat them with other foods like vegetables in general.
  • Cucumber
Cucumber, cucumber, or cucumber is a vegetable that is often used in beauty treatments. This one is identical to the vegetable water content is high enough. Useful addition to beauty care, antibacterial content in cucumbers also can help you eliminate body odor. In a way::
- Cut the cucumber fresh fruit into sections
- Rubbing the parts gently to underarm skin after a bath
- In addition to the direct mengosokan, you can also make a mixture of cucumber with honey or other materials. However, it is devoted to naturally whiten armpit.
  • Lime or lemon
Inevitably indeed, lime and lemon have enormous benefits for us. Besides being able to help eliminate phlegm naturally, both the material we can use to cope with body odor. This can happen because lemon contains antibacterial compounds is high enough. Where these contents can kill germs and bacteria that cause perspiration odor. In a way::
- Squeeze 2 limes and input into a container
- Mix the juice with whiting to form cream
- After bathing, apply the mixture evenly into the armpits
- Allow if only 1 hour, then rinse with warm water to clean
  • Replace regular clothes
In addition to the bath as much as 2x a day, you should always be routinely change clothes. Because sweat stuck to the clothing will become a hotbed of bacteria that cause body odor. Especially if you spend a lot of sweat to make the wet clothes.
  • Lots of sports
Exercise is causing a lot of sweat that out, but sweat during exercise can actually help remove germs and bacteria in the pores. Do exercise jogging or cycling every morning routine. No need for long, just 30 minutes a day for one week only you have reduced body odor. 
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That some of the most powerful way to Remove Body Odor Naturally that I can say. In addition to bacteria, armpit hair can also cause your body odor. Therefore, please check your underarm hair that is not too heavy. By regulating the diet and preserve the cleanliness of your body, then the body odor that is in your body today will begin to disappear. After reading the most powerful way to Remove Body Odor Naturally, I hope you are aware of Healthy Living.

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