
Monday 5 September 2016

5 Ways To Eliminate Cystic Acne On Face

5 Ways To Eliminate Cystic Acne On Face
Cystic acne is the type of acne most frustrating for everyone, both for men and women. It's extremely disturbing appearance. This type of acne is an extremely sensitive. You could feel the pain even though acne is not touched. Do you have problems with cystic acne? Find it difficult to get rid of cystic acne, especially cystic acne is on the nose? No need to worry, this time, we have the right solution to get rid of acne and natural stone on the nose.

Here are some natural ingredients and how to get rid of cystic acne :

Monday 22 August 2016

How to Remove Blackheads On Nose. You Need to Know

How to Remove Blackheads On Nose. You Need to Know
The main cause of the appearance of blackheads is due to pores on the face are clogged. You need to know that blackheads have two types, namely open comedones and closed comedones. For Blackheads are open usually, has a black color and looks like pores blackened and enlarged. While the closed comedones (whiteheads) has its usual white color and has a skin that grows above the pores are clogged so it would look like small white bumps. Generally, these types of blackheads due to excessive secretion of oil glands on the skin or it could be because the skin cells to die.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Best Technique to Create Cheek Dimples

Dimples are something unique on the face that will make the face of men and women will add a sweet and cute. No wonder so many men or women who really like someone who has a dimple on his cheek. A woman will look sweet and cute if you have dimples, so anything with him, would look nice and cute if you have a dimple on his cheek. But, how do we could have a dimple on the cheek? Is not it happen because the dimples innate? Could we were already teenagers or adolescents have dimples? The answer I will explain in the description below.

Thursday 11 August 2016

This is The Cause of Black Spots On Face. You Need to Know.

This is The Cause of Black Spots On Face. You Need to Know.
Many women assume if black spots caused by dry skin and oily alone when in fact it's not necessarily true. Black spots generally affect women in a state of menstruation or before menstruation. Many things can be factors of black spots appear on the skin such as genetic factors, UV rays, hormonal factors, the use of cosmetics and taking medication that can cause pigmentation on the skin.

Black spots are caused by sunlight or UV rays also called Fleckers. This is because the occurrence of sunspots fleckers UV rays, while the melasma in the form of black spots generated by a mix of hormones and UV rays. Melasma itself is a discoloration of the skin on the face tentative. Melasma usually appears in the form of patches of brown, tan, or blue-gray on the upper lip, upper cheek, forehead, and chin. The black spots on the chest and the face is more often found on the skin which is brightly colored. These black spots will be widened and the possibilities multiply if not quickly treated.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Want to Looks Younger And Appear Beautiful Natural ?? This is The Secret !!!

Drinks For Younger And Natural Beauty
So that the skin does not look dry and cause dehydration of the body, the body needs sufficient water intake. In order to remain youthful one is to keep the body's need for fluids. For that, we should consume mineral water at least 8 glasses / day. You need to know, too, it turns out there are several drinks that will keep your face skin remains youthful. Not only that, this drink can also brighten the skin and nourish the skin. These drinks contain lots of antioxidants that can keep your skin from premature aging. 

To review, here are some natural drink that can make you look younger and also look naturally beautiful :